It was a cold snowy icy day and the sponsored winter walk
was cancelled. Brenda and I however decided we would do it anyway and get that
money for the motor neurone disease charity because we’re good people like
that... Not one of our best ideas... I was walking with my standard poodle, Bob
and Brenda was walking with her West Highland Terrier, aptly named, Snow. We
were wrapped up in lots of layers with food and drinks packed and a camera on
hand and we were ready to go.
We started walking from school and all seemed to be well, we
were walking on grass so the ice didn’t really hinder our progress much. We had
a bit of fun in the snow, snow angels and such, and then cracked on with the
walk. All was fine and the cold wasn’t even that bad due to our brilliant
clothing choices. We then reached the road into Staunton Harold… Road and grass
are very different. Grass has grip, road doesn’t when covered in ice. This is
the part that took the longest, walking down a 2 mile long road in the ice with
two dogs pulling us, we both had a few near falls.