Wednesday 11 April 2012

Why I Want To Be A Vet

Cliché answer is 'I always have wanted to be, ever since I was tiny' and yes that is true but thinking back I can remember exactly why. 

When I was about 6 I had a white lop rabbit called Polly, I used to obsess over this rabbit I would get home from school and go straight out to her and not come in until tea time. I knew the ins and outs of Polly and knew exactly how she was feeling, she was like a sibling!

However one day when I came in from school I knew Polly wasn't herself, she was acting offish and I knew something was wrong. Immediately I ran inside demanding my mum to take her to the vet, my mum came outside and looked at her and decided she looked fine and that she didn't need to see the vet. I was so frustrated but decided she was probably right.

The next day when I got up I went to check on her and she was worse she hadn't touched her food and wasn't moving around, I went to school and when I came back my mum told me she was sorry and that Polly had died and was in heaven now. I ran upstairs screaming that she should've listened to me as I knew best!

That's why I want to be a vet, I want to listen to the owner the one that knows the animal best, I know personally that they are the ones who know if there is something wrong with the animal as they see them every day.

I promise that when I qualify I wont dismiss any owners worries as even the smallest thing can be relevant whether it's an experienced farmer or a 6 year old child. Now that I've had some work experience I really can tell the best vets from the rest, one case that I will talk about in more detail in my work experience posts really showed this, when an owners persistence and instinct saved his dogs life!

His first vet sent him away so he came to the vets I was seeing practice at and it was discovered that the dog had a splenic tumour and thanks to the vet listening to him and investigating further the spleen was removed and the dogs life potentially saved.

Obviously I love animals and have a love for science, I always loved science and it became apparent in primary school when I would always be top of the class in the science SATs and even more so when I was in my final year of primary school and won the science award at my leavers assembly. I've had countless chemistry sets and experiment sets for birthdays and Christmases, including one for my Christmas 2011!

I've had many pets in my life so far including;
9 Rabbits
8 Guinea Pigs
4 Dogs
5 Hamsters
and MANY Fish! (including sea monkeys and triops)
I just want to make sure every animal gets the help and care it needs and I'm not afraid to get my hands (and everything else!) dirty in order to do so <3

For any of you that want to know GCSE grades that I got I got;
A* Additional Science
A* Textiles
A Science
A Maths
A Religious Studies
A English Lang
A English Lit
A French
B Geography
B Art
Pass ICT diploma
C Science in Society AS

Always loved animals :D 

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you're focused on what you want to do! No doubt your passion for veterinary science will take you a long way!
